www.fordeetv.com How-to Create a Double Exposure + Disintegration Effect | Photoshop Tutorial | FordeeTV In this video I show you how to create a double exposure effect...
Playlist - Graphics Tutorials
www.fordeetv.com Text Portrait Effect | Displacement / Warp | Photoshop Tutorial | FordeeTV In this video I show you how to create Text Portrait Effect in Photoshop...
www.fordeetv.com How to Become the Joker | Photoshop Tutorial | FordeeTV In this video I show you how to turn yourself into the Joker in Photoshop. By using a few simple...
www.fordeetv.com Doggystyle Photoshop Pilot Episode | Photoshop Timelapse | FordeeTV Hey guys and gals, I thought of a fun idea. Lets make a series where I take user...
www.fordeetv.com Doggystyle Photoshop Episode 1 | Photoshop Timelapse | FordeeTV And so it begins… Episode 1, of Doggystyle Photoshop where I tranform people into...
www.fordeetv.com Doggystyle Photoshop Episode 2 | Photoshop Timelapse | FordeeTV Episode 2, of Doggystyle Photoshop, where I tranform people into dogs or other animals...